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donderdag 23 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom: Black Square: "Trends of Order and Chaos", episode 155 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Liberal rake ---- Liberals are discussing the documentary series
"Traitors," created by Navalny's associates. Already released films
criticize politicians and oligarchs of the Yeltsin era. For this reason,
the comrades of these political figures and oligarchs are offended by
the film in every possible way. But what is characteristic is that not
only they are offended, but also another part of the liberal opposition,
which did not participate in any way in the division of the post-Soviet pie.
Delving into their squabbles, as usual, is of little interest, and even
less useful, but there is one important point that again clearly makes
it clear that the liberal opposition, as in Navalny's nightmare, will
again and again miss its chance if it will be provided. All attempts at
rare liberal reflection on how Russia again fell into dictatorship
completely exclude the social factor. And when the authors of the film
"Traitors" tried to at least indirectly hint at it, because the authors
are also liberals, and the social factor also eludes them, but they
already began to suspect something, they again received indignant
criticism, saying, how dare they criticize the beautiful The 90s and
wonderful reforms.

Well, what can I say... ignoring how the capital of the oligarchs was
amassed, how people starved, who were fired from work in hundreds and
thousands without any benefits, means that for the overwhelming majority
of liberals, words about social security and justice are only a reason
to swear at the communists and absolutely not to wonder how it was that
communist ideas turned out to be so attractive at one time. Hence their
lack of understanding of why the ideas of revanchism, so cleverly used
by Putin's propaganda, found so many supporters. Surely many of us have
heard about the 90s in conversations with people thirsting for social
justice. And how Putin, they say, then squeezed the oligarchs, otherwise
"Stalin was not there for them." "Complete collapse of hopes and
expectations from the new Russia," the film says.

War as a social elevator
So what's happening with social justice now? At the moment, she was
consumed by the war. But this same war became the only social elevator.
Even I know examples when people from the nearest village left for it
both for rubles and to escape problems, like, for example, one boy whom
I remember as a child, and now he himself has fathered children both in
his village and in others, and left for the war from alimony.

What they fought for
What about ideological ones? At the end of last week, reports appeared
that Russell Bentley with the call sign "Texas" had died in the Donbass.
It is known that he is a Canadian communist who came to fight in
Donbass, converted to Orthodoxy, and recently worked for Simonyan for
Russian propaganda. Official media did not report details of his death.
But from what his widow wrote and other unofficial reports, it is clear
that he was harshly detained by Russian tank crews and, apparently, did
not survive the interrogation.

On April 25, Russell's widow, who fully shares the ideas of the
so-called "Russian world," turned to Putin. Like, "Comrade Stalin, a
monstrous mistake has occurred!" The fact is that even though Russell
Bentley was declared dead, she still hasn't received a body.

Well... what can I say. In Putin's Russia, you don't have to be the main
oppositionist to be tortured and then not give your body back to your
family. You can be an ardent supporter and propagandist of Putin's
ideology, but oops, that won't save you. This is the "Russian world",
meaningless and merciless.

Do you know what is typical? In the comments to various posts of
sovkodrachers, the same people who supported torture during detention
were indignant at why these tortures were applied to their own. Like,
"Texas" is a well-known personality, how could he be mistaken for a spy?
And like this. It's just that the logic of the system they support has
worked against them. Well, what can I say to lovers of Stalin... When a
"monstrous mistake" takes you by the ass, then this will be exactly what
you fought for.

War and non-war criminals
As for the prisoners who went to war for a presidential pardon, those
who managed to survive and return are often mistaken for the old things:
robbery, rape, murder. The publication "Verstka", based on open data,
calculated that the military returning from Ukraine killed and maimed
more than 200 people. And although they try to hide the femicide
associated with them, some cases reach the media.

For example, last week a former Wagnerian killed a woman. When they came
for him, he tried to throw a suitcase with body parts out of the window.
It must be said that there was a high level of femicide in Russia even
before the war, and against the backdrop of the war it only increased.
The more conservative the state, the more toxic masculinity is
encouraged in it, the more women are killed in it and they are even
proud of it, such as the chairman of the branch of the party "A Just
Russia - For Truth" in the Moscow region of Tver. Late last week, he
killed his wife, leaving his infant daughter orphaned.

Judging by the photo, he is growing a regular, thick Orthodox beard.
Everything is very tight.

Meanwhile, news is increasingly appearing about all kinds of sabotage
committed by people of different ages, including schoolchildren. The
week before last, three 18-year-old Ufa residents were detained in
Bashkiria on suspicion of attempting to sabotage communications
facilities; last week, schoolchildren were detained on suspicion of
setting fire to relay cabinets on the border of the Russian Federation
and Belarus. The three boys are 13, 15 and 16 years old.

What can the patriotic direction offer schoolchildren? "Cargo 200 - we
are together." I didn't come up with this, this is a Wagner stripe on
the bulletproof vests that Karelian schoolchildren wore. The
schoolchildren were dressed in bulletproof vests with a "Cargo 200"
badge... Well, everything here is just so to speak... beautiful. For
example, I have a logical connection that schoolchildren are offered to
go to prison, from there go to war and return in a coffin. Something
like this. Tempting? It seems to me that not very much. But Putin's
"Russian world" hasn't come up with anything better yet. But he cares
very much about the younger generation.

For example, so that young people do not learn anything about same-sex
love. And now it's not just young people. The spread of the book with
the biography of the Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini from the AST
publishing house now looks more like the painting "Black Square" by
Malevich. Almost the entire text of the spread is painted over with
black paint, since censorship banned LGBT topics, and Pasolini did not
hesitate to write about his homosexuality.

By the way, he was a communist, but a communist expelled from the
Communist Party. And if you read his poem "The Communist Party for the
Youth!", then in it he sympathizes with the police who beat the
students. So if you might think that Pasolini is some kind of atypical
communist, then in his support of the security forces he was just typical.

The murder of Pasolini by neo-fascists in 1975 remained not fully
investigated. It is assumed that he was taking revenge for the way the
fascist dictatorship was depicted in his last film, Salo, or the 120
Days of Sodom. And Putin's so-called "anti-fascist" ideology has erased
entire pages from his biography.;

Carnation revolution
But let's go back to the 70s. On April 25, 1974, a military coup took
place in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, ending the dictatorship of
António Salazar. Surprisingly, the result of this coup was elections and
the country's transition to a liberal democratic system. The events of
April 25 will be called the "carnation revolution," in which the main
role was played by army captains, and not generals.

It is difficult to imagine whether something similar will happen in
Russia, putting an end to the dictatorship and the death it brings. In
Portugal's neighbor Spain, democratic changes began only after the death
of dictator Franco in 1975. In any case, it is important to remember
that "freedom is not given, freedom is taken."

Well that's all for today! We remind you that in Trends in Order and
Chaos, members of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchist
assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and
other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social
networks and e-mail newsletter.

The issue was prepared by Nina T.

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