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maandag 24 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #349 - History, Palestine: 1947, the Nakba, France and the left (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 France bears a historic responsibility in the realization of the Jewish

state project which led to the Nakba: the expulsion of Palestinians from
their lands. The French political class and the left, communists
included, then converged in a Zionist unanimity that is still
significant today. ---- In 1942, the Biltmore Hotel conference took
place in New York, where representatives of the international Zionist
movement demanded the creation of a Jewish state. The priority was then
to fight the "White Paper" of 1939 which limited immigration to
Palestine to 15,000 people per year, the only concession by the British
to the Arab revolt of 1936-1939[1].

If the Jewish Agency, a Zionist organization created in 1929 and then
headed by David Ben-Gurion, does not directly oppose the British[2],
this is not the case for the Zionist right: the Irgun and the Lehi -
also known as the Stern group, named after its founder Avraham Stern -
are increasing the number of assassinations and deadly attacks.

It is to this period that the links between the Free French Forces of
the Levant, then based in Palestine, and the Zionist movement date back,
particularly during the Syrian campaign. The Haganah (Zionist militia
controlled by the Jewish Agency) provides logistical facilities to the
Gaullists as well as technical assistance.

France, support of the Zionists
With the global conflict over, the war between the British and Zionist
groups continues in Palestine. France, already ousted from Syria and
Lebanon by Arab nationalists thanks to British support, does not intend
to be excluded from the region and thus provides support to Zionist
groups. In 1945, Ben-Gurion was in Paris where he organized the fight
against the British. He found many allies of the Zionist cause in the
political class, such as Léon Blum, then at the head of the SFIO. Lehi,
for its part, is setting up an operational center in the French capital.
 From there, he coordinated a letter bomb campaign aimed at British
officials[3]. France was then a logistical base for Zionist troops, it
hosted numerous Haganah training camps[4].

French support also involves supporting Jewish immigration to Palestine
from the Var coast. André Blumel, close to Blum and unofficial delegate
of the Haganah, intervened with the Ministry of the Interior to
accelerate the transit of immigrants as well as weapons transported by
boat. He hosts a transmitter antenna at his home for the Haganah
surveillance network, tolerated by the Ministry of the Interior, which
will allow the "Mossad for illegal immigration" to charter several ships[5].

Upon liberation, European governments were concerned about the fate of
refugees from the Nazi camps, particularly the troubles that their
return home could create, while anti-Semitism was still virulent in
Europe (as evidenced in 1946 by the Kielce pogrom in Poland). The Jewish
state project in Palestine is seen as a way to "get rid of" refugees.
Western states, including the United States, kept their doors closed to
Jewish refugees during and after the war, effectively ruling out "any
solution to the question of Jewish survivors of Nazism that was not that
of a return to the "promised land""[6].

The partition plan: an imperialist convergence
A new event shocks public opinion. On July 18, 1947, the Exodus, a
Jewish refugee boat chartered by the Haganah and which had left Sète a
few days earlier, was boarded by the British off the coast of Haifa.

Investigators from the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine
(UNSCOP), then present in Haifa, witnessed the British assault on the ship.

The Exodus operation, "planned in such a way that failure could lend
itself to fruitful use[...]was a master stroke in terms of
propaganda"[7]: it influenced the investigators' report.

Following the UNSCOP report, the UN submitted to a vote a proposal for
the partition of Palestine on November 29, 1947. This provided 55% of
the territory for the Zionist movement, which then only owned 7% of the
land. . France is undecided. Initially, Alexandre Parodi, France's
representative to the UN, abstained on instructions from George Bidault,
the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The latter, who fears that the vote on
the partition plan will cause unrest in North Africa, proposes to
postpone the vote for one day.
This time is taken advantage of by the President of the Republic,
Vincent Auriol, and Léon Blum, who are working hard to ensure that
France decides favorably: Blum, in a letter to Bidault, writes "nothing
is worse for us, from the point of view of our territories in North
Africa, only a mark of weakness and fear vis-à-vis pan-Arab fanaticism"[8],

France's vote leads to that of Catholic countries in the Benelux and
Latin America. The United States, where Truman, for electoral reasons,
voted for the partition plan, put pressure on it to be voted on by
Haiti, the Philippines and Liberia (with threats from Firestone, the
tire giant, not to no longer buy local rubber[9]).

The USSR also voted for it: they were the first to recognize Israel on
May 15, 1948, and to deliver weapons to it, Stalin seeing behind the
Zionist project a means of establishing a foothold in the region[10].
The partition plan is refused by the Arab High Committee, which triggers
hostilities in Palestine: it is the beginning of the Nakba, the
"Catastrophe" in Arabic (see box).

Relations between Israel and France were distant during the first years.
France demands that Jerusalem be under international control, as
stipulated in the partition plan, to guarantee the protection of the
holy sites. Israel refused, which explains its late recognition by
France, on May 1, 1949. Pro-Israeli committees were then created in
France, arguing that the establishment of close relations with the new
state would allow it to "regain its influence in the Levant".

After the tripartite Israeli and Franco-British aggression of 1956
against the Egypt of Nasser, then support of the Algerian FLN, France
became, until 1967, the main support and supplier of arms to Israel.

Pro-Zionist left, North African anti-Zionism
The French left bears a political responsibility in supporting the
Zionist project: in 1947 the French League for Free Palestine was
created under the leadership of Sartre, then affiliated with the Hebrew
Committee for National Liberation under the influence of the Irgun. It
succeeded in establishing itself thanks to the recruitment of leading
intellectual and political figures such as Simone de Beauvoir, Jules
Romain, Louis Jouvet and Edgar Faure.

Only the newspaper Témoignage Chrétien and Daniel Guérin take a position
for the Palestinians[11].

If the Zionist project finds echo from the right to the left, this is
not the case among the Jews of France: in 1948, only 640 French Jews
migrated to Israel and, until 1968, never more than a hundred per year.
Lucid, Raymond Aron foresees "the inevitable sequel, a prolonged war
between the Jews who have become Israelis and the Muslim environment"[12].

On the contrary, among the Jews of France there arises the fear that
Palestine is imposing on them even though they have only just regained
their citizenship. The enthusiasm on the left raises questions: while
the fight of the Resistance was to reaffirm the republican unity of the
Jews as being French like the others, the left is rushing into an
ethnicist and genealogist reading of the Jews.

This is not a uniquely French trope: a 1945 International Trade Union
Conference motion declares that "the Jewish people be given the
opportunity to continue the reconstruction of Palestine as their
national home, and this through immigration , colonization and
industrial development"[13].

Arab nationalism is, for its part, decreed infamous, being perceived as
both "a by-product of Nazism and an invention of British
imperialism"[14]. If "the resistance of the natives remained elusive to
the categories of the left"[15], the representatives of the Algerian
People's Party (heir to the North African Star of Messali Hadj who had
denounced Zionist colonialism in the 1920s) underline the proximity
between the struggle of the Palestinians against Zionism and that of the
North Africans against French imperialism, "the "Jewish national home"
prefigured the "French national home" in North Africa"[16]. During the
vote on the partition plan, Abdel-Krim-el-Khatabi, leader of the Rif
Republic in the 1920s, exiled in Cairo with other North African leaders,
cabled Alexandre Parodi that the vote on this plan would have "serious
repercussions in North Africa".

The role of France
Franco-British rivalries, reactions to the threats of pan-Arabism to the
Empire, anti-Semitism keen to get rid of refugees from Eastern Europe:
these are the fundamental determinants of French support for the
creation of the State of Israel, as a child of imperialism and not of an
alleged bad conscience or other reparations. The support of the left can
be explained by a "Europeocentrism which was not yet shameful and which
meant that the Jews in Palestine embodied progress and, supreme
distinction, socialist ideals[...]opposition between these pioneers and
an immobile world, feudal, fanatical backwardness"[17]. If showing
solidarity with Palestine is still complicated today, it is because this
historical episode has largely determined the vision of France and the
left on Zionism.

Encumbered by this colonial heritage, the expression of solid
internationalist solidarity with the Palestinian people remains
difficult; it becomes urgent to overcome it.

Nicolas Pasadena (UCL Montreuil)

-* 1942: Biltmore Hotel conference, official demand for the creation of
a "Jewish state".

-* 1942-1947: civil war between Zionist groups and the British.

-* JULY 22, 1946: attack on the King David Hotel by the Irgun, killing
91 people including 28 British, 41 Arabs and 17 Jews.

-* SUMMER 1947: boarding of the Exodus by the British, causing worldwide

-* NOVEMBER 29, 1947: vote on the proposed partition plan for Palestine
at the UN. The Zionists accept, the Palestinians refuse. Start of the
1947-1948 civil war in Palestine and the exile of Palestinians.

-* MAY 14, 1948: proclamation of the State of Israel by Ben-Gurion,
declaration of war by the Arab States the next day.

-* AUTUMN 1956: tripartite Franco-British and Israeli aggression against
Egypt following the nationalization of the Suez Canal. France becomes
Israel's main ally.

The Nakba and the war of 1947-1948
 From November 30, 1947 to May 14, 1948, the date of the proclamation of
the State of Israel, a first war took place between Zionist armed
organizations (Haganah, Palmach, Irgoun and Lehi) and the Palestinians
supported by volunteers from countries Arabs. On December 1, the Arab
High Committee declared a three-day general strike. The fight was led by
Abd el Kader Al Husseini: at the head of a few thousand volunteers, he
organized a siege of Jerusalem lasting several months. From December
1947 to January 1948, around 70,000 Palestinians fled the cities. At the
end of March, the total number of refugees reached around 100,000. The
Dalet plan of military perimeter - in reality a global expulsion plan
drawn up by the Haganah and adopted on March 10, 1948 - involves the
movement of villages and targeting the "enemy centers": "proceed to
encircle the central Arab municipal sector and isolate it from access
routes, as well as stopping its essential services (water, electricity,
fuel) ".

Haganah troops militarily take control of the territory that had been
given to the Jewish state and expand it. In section 3b of the plan,
among the objectives are how to deal with "occupied enemy population
centers": "destruction of villages[...], particularly population centers
whose continued control is difficult.[...]In the event of resistance,
the armed forces must be destroyed and the population expelled outside
the borders of the Jewish state"[18].

On April 9, 1948, the Deir Yassine massacre took place west of
Jerusalem, perpetrated by 120 Irgun and Lehi fighters, which caused 120
to 250 deaths. Other massacres followed, favoring the exile of
Palestinians. The 1948-1949 war completed the expulsion of 800,000

To validate
[1]See "The great Palestinian revolt of 36-39", Libertarian Alternative,
March 2010.

[2]Ben-Gurion declares: "We will help the British in the war as if there
were no White Paper and we will fight against the White Paper as if
there were no war", "David Ben Gurion (1886-1973)", Hérodote.net,
October 13, 2023.

[3]Charles Enderlin, The Jews of France, between Republic and Zionism,
Seuil, 2020.

[4]Samir Kassir and Farouk Mardam-Bey, Itinerary from Paris to
Jerusalem, France and the Israeli-Arab conflict. Volume 1, 1917-1958,
The books of the Palestinian studies review, 1992.



[7]Jacques Derogy, The Law of Return, the secret and true story of the
Exodus, Fayard, 1970.

[8]Samir Kassir and Farouk Mardam-Bey, op.cit

[9]Jean-Pierre Langelier, "The partition of Palestine", Le Monde,
November 30, 1997.

[10]The support of the PCF stems from this alignment of Stalin: in 1941,
the Soviet ambassador in London Ivan Maiski declared: "If Soviet Russia
wants to be interested in the future of the Middle East, it is obvious
that the advanced Jews and progressives of Palestine hold more promise
for us than the backward Arabs controlled by feudal cliques," Arnold
Kramer, "Soviet Policy on Palestine. 1947-1948", Journal of Palestine
Studies, winter 1973.

[11]Daniel Guérin, Here lies colonialism. Algeria, India, Indochina,
Madagascar, Morocco, Palestine, Polynesia, Tunisia. Activist testimony,
De Gruyter/Mouton, 1973.

[12]Samir Kassir and Farouk Mardam-Bey, op.cit






[18]1. Ilan Pappé, The 1948 war in Palestine, La Fabrique, 2000.

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By, For, and About Anarchists
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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #185 - Crimes and punishments (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The sudden death of Iranian President Raisi and the indictment of the
Israeli Prime Minister, his Minister of War and the leaders of Hamas by
the Attorney General of the Criminal Court in The Hague constitute two
conditioning factors that erupt in the Middle Eastern tragedy
constituted by the extermination of Gaza and the genocide of the
Palestinian people. With the death of Raisi, the least loved President
of the Islamic Republic of the last 35 years has disappeared from the
political scene.
In 1988 he was part of the so-called "Death Commission", responsible for
having sentenced thousands of people to death (it is estimated between 8
and 30 thousand), therefore he was known as the butcher of Tehran,
rather than for his political charisma, which he did not possess. Born
in Mashhad, like the Supreme Leader of the Revolution Ali Khamenei, at
the age of 15 he was admitted to the Feyzyeh madrasa in Qom, where he
was educated, following the most radical orientations of Scythism and
the Komeinist revolution. Belonging to the Shiite clergy, he graduated
from the University of Tehran, and began his career after the Islamic
revolution of 1979, holding the position of Prosecutor General of Tehran
between 1989 and 1994. He became president of the General Inspection
Office, responsible for supervising the legality of government acts, by
1994 he had risen through the ranks to become head of the judicial
system. Candidate for President in 2017, he was not elected, but then
allied himself with the Revolutionary Guards, placing himself in pole
position to succeed leader Kamenhei. In 2021 he became President and
leads the repression against the women's movement and every social
movement. The law on the veil he wanted in September 2021 inaugurates
the still ongoing repressive phase of a regime that feels called into
question by civil society, even if it enjoys a clientele social base,
the result of the particular economic structure of the country.

A transition full of unknowns

He is succeeded as interim President, with the consent of Ayatollah
Khamenei, by Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, with the task of
organizing the presidential elections on 28 June, as required by the
Constitution. He is a man of the apparatus, an international jurist by
training, who has always acted behind the scenes. Chosen in 2021 - as
revealed by the Reuters agency - for having administered and held key
roles within three financial structures crucial for the Iranian regime,
the Mostafazan foundation, the Sina bank and above all Setad, an
investment fund headed by the Guide Supreme Ali Khamenei and has assets
of ninety-five billion dollars, precisely because of these positions, he
enjoys the support of the Guardians of the Revolution who significantly
control and influence the country's economy and constitute the real
power in the State. His power is better understood if we take into
account the fact that Setad is the conglomerate that confiscated the
activities and assets of the Iranians expelled by the Islamist
revolution of 1979. Mokhber was its director and this alone should make
everyone understand his role inside the system. The United States had
put him on the list of officials affected by sanctions, because Setad
"systematically violated the rights of dissidents, confiscating land and
property of regime opponents, including politicians, religious
minorities and Iranians in exile." The European Union had also placed
him on the sanctioned list in 2010 for his alleged involvement in the
nuclear program, but two years later revoked the punitive measure. Like
many other members of the government chaired by Raisi, he too was part
of the Guardians of the Revolution.
Although he possesses these requirements, it is unlikely that the
current vice president will be Raisi's successor; to designate the
President the first selection takes place in the choice of candidates,
entrusted to the Supreme leader, who this time will have to actually
choose not only the future President, but also the one who, in pectore,
is destined to be his successor, taking into consideration of his
advanced age (83 years). In the complicated political landscape of the
country it will be necessary to see whether the ultra-conservatives of
the faction called Paydari, who today control Parliament, the security
apparatus, the basiji, within the political clergy, all groups that
support the Supreme Leader, will be able to prevail , making him head of
the judiciary and then projecting one of its members to the presidency,
with a manipulated election. It took years to "build" the Raisi
character: the ultra-conservatives had invested a lot in him. His death
disrupted the Paydari plans.

In a context where popular trust in the system has reached historic
lows, as demonstrated by the recent low 8% turnout in the parliamentary
run-offs in Tehran, it is difficult to imagine that trust could be
re-established during an election campaign lasting just two weeks.
However, it is not a given that the system can exploit the opportunity,
allowing pro-reform candidates to present themselves, in order to
increase popular participation and save face. It is true that with
Raisi's death the ultra-right's plans were disrupted, but the timeframe
is too short
so that the reformist wing can reorganize itself with its own candidate.
Personalities like Khatami (former president) or the moderate Rouhani
can influence public opinion, but not much.
The economic strength of the hubus, managed by the Pasdaran, is too
strong and economically conditions the country's economy, to the point
that it is the only one, due to its pervasiveness, capable of providing
the welfare that allows a mass of poor and underprivileged they
constitute the real basis of the regime, to survive despite the
disastrous conditions of the economy. In Iran today the opposition
nestles above all among the middle class, among young people, students,
bazaar traders, who constitute the most dynamic part of the country, the
one closest to the use of social media and most in contact with the rest
of the world,
who not surprisingly feels the weight of a narrow-minded and formal
moralism, made up of appearances behind which deep corruption and
unspeakable entanglements of power are hidden.
The strength of the resistance movement and its ability to undermine the
management of power over time will be measured from participation in the
vote, rather than from the vote cast on a list of blocked candidates.
There is no doubt, however, that what happens in the country will have a
significant influence on the Middle Eastern conflict, even if no
immediate repercussions are expected, except in relation to the fact
that Iran's instability puts Israel in a situation of further
insecurity, aggravated by the international position of the country and
by the discretion that the action on Gaza has on it
procured, determining its isolation.

The Court intervenes

In the face of the horror caused by the events of 7 October and the
Israeli intervention in Gaza, the Prosecutor of the International
Criminal Court (ICC) based in The Hague formulated the request for
arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas, for the Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Gallant. The accusation is of war
crimes and crimes against humanity:
"Today we emphasize again that international law and the laws of armed
conflict apply to everyone. No soldier, commander, civilian leader - no
one - can act with impunity. Nothing can justify the intentional
deprivation of human beings, including many women and children, of the
basic necessities necessary for life. Nothing can justify taking
hostages or killing civilians." In other words, international
humanitarian law and international criminal law do not allow exceptions
for anyone, neither for terrorists nor for Heads of State and Government.
If, as is probable, the indictment is reached, the consequences could be
decisive both for the future of Gaza, where the Palestinian Authority
could regain legitimate control, and for Israel, where the protests of
many citizens threaten Netanyahu and the government of 'nationalist
ultra-right. It should also be noted that, while this
happens, a parallel proceeding takes place before the International
Court of Human Rights to discuss South Africa's accusation of apartheid
and genocide, aimed at Israel for its behavior in the West Bank, in
Gaza, in East Jerusalem.
Faced with this situation, the United States and other Western states
that support Israel have cried foul over the comparison between Hamas
and the Jewish state and this even though in most countries in the world
there is a growing belief that they are faced with to an act of
colonialism and enslavement of an entire population, unacceptable for
humanity. Once again the West shows that it uses double standards to
take a position on war crimes, demanding that the sentences pronounced
against the Russian aggression against Ukraine must be considered valid,
while those against Israel are considered unacceptable .
However, some results are starting to be seen: the Irish, Norwegian and
Spanish governments have announced the forthcoming recognition of the
State of Palestine, paving the way for identical positions on the part
of other states. In vain does the State of Israel cry out about
anti-Semitism, as it becomes increasingly clear that this is not what it
is about, but anti-Zionism.

It is good, once again, to remember that the Palestinians, like the
Jews, are Semites and therefore solidarity towards them cannot translate
into anti-Semitism, but if anything it is a clear demonstration of
anti-Zionism, or rather of critical opposition to that political
conception of Jewish nationalism, of a supremacist nature, which
excludes that other ethnic groups or members of another culture or
religion can have the same dignity as members of the Jewish people and
which makes the Shoah a useful screen behind which to hide to justify
any atrocity towards the Palestinian people and legitimize the gradual
progressive expropriation of their lands and their expulsion from Palestine.
What is becoming increasingly clear is that the continuation of ongoing
conflicts aggravates the difficulties of the United States in managing
the various crises simultaneously, wearing out its resilience. In a year
characterized by electoral deadlines, Biden desperately needs to close
at least some of the crisis fronts in order to present himself before
his electorate and regroup them, avoiding becoming a victim of the
conflicting interests of the various lobbies competing for the support
of the United States, especially that China, which is, benefits first
and foremost from Washington's current difficulties
managed to attract Russia into its orbit, in an indissoluble way, while
Europe, which sees its vital interests affected, suffers the
consequences of the US and Anglo-Saxon supremacy policy.

The Editorial Team

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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY SICILIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: MAIA - DEFENDING THE FOREST (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The Alcantara Independent Fire Fighting Movement was born in 2022 from
the need to manage an emergency that overwhelmed us and caught us
unprepared.  We are people, families, associations and entities who have
found ourselves living in partially abandoned rural areas. Many of us
are strangers, not natives, recently settled in a place that called us
for its magnificent landscape and the idea of having found a corner of
the world that is not too contaminated.
  The need to care for the territory that hosts us, and of which we feel
we are custodians, has generated a shared and spontaneous awareness and
responsibility, a movement opposed to the instinct to delegate to others
(or to institutions) the effort to find and apply possible solutions.
Pushed out of our comfort zones, a strong energy motivated us to come
together, discuss and act.

The action was initially hasty and unprepared, so we asked for help.
Thanks to the intervention of the Ibleo Fire Fighting Movement and other
subjects involved in this fight, the impetus to act was confronted with
the need to understand and learn. Learning about the existence of other
groups born with the same intentions gave strength to the growth of this
movement; sharing knowledge, experiences, reflections and practices
remains the basis of this process! An ongoing process of mutual
enrichment and growth.

A rhizomatic network is growing, which is woven starting from the
individual, towards family nuclei, then local hubs, up to regional
coordinations, but also beyond... united, even if distant, by the logic
of mutual help, active citizenship and community management. emergency
(but also everyday)..

This network unites the fight against fires with those who shoveled the
mud from the floods, it unites artists who have never seen arson but
wish to contribute through their languages, we invite you, the reader,
to weave together and generate other rhizomes in a scattered form, at
times casual, spontaneous and genuine.

Sometimes the processes of understanding are nothing more than a way of
going further and further back in the chain of causes and effects that
hide behind a phenomenon.
The fire, the one of human origin that burns the forests of Sicily,
certainly has many causes, but they are all the result of the poor value
attributed to the spaces that disappear every year. Whether it is due to
the carelessness of the owners, the absence of institutions, to satisfy
criminal interests, or for hundreds of other reasons, it is clear that
if something of great value for everyone burned, the solutions would be
easier to find.

find, more transversal and would come from both above and below.
Fighting forest fires therefore, like fighting illegal landfills,
deforestation and monocultures, also means fighting in favor of spaces,
and also asking why this battle must be shared by others. Why do we like
the forest? How can we bring Sicily to see the forest as a precious,
fragile, important space to be defended and enhanced?
The countryside is abandoned because for generations the Sicilians have
learned that the countryside is slavery and toil, backwardness and
sacrifice. Fighting against forest fires means bringing Sicily back to
its countryside, among its wonderful natural resources, and investing in
these spaces as cultural, artistic, visual and human resources.
If the woods are not usable, talked about, and inhabited, it will always
be difficult to explain why we should protect them. We know well that
the forest is good for us even when there is no one inside, and that it
literally produces the oxygen we breathe. The chemistry of our bodies,
however, is more difficult to explain than the wonderful experience
experienced by those who have crossed the forests of Malabotta on foot,
those who have seen the moon rise over the rocks of Crasto, those who
have visited the snow-capped forests on the slopes of Etna .
Defending ourselves from fire means, in our opinion, starting
educational paths aimed at young Sicilians, and not just at small groups
of virtuous environmentalists, who already share the same ideas and the
same spaces. It means working with the schools of small towns, with the
old and new inhabitants of these lands, to explain that these spaces are
resources, both tourist (and therefore economic) and natural
infrastructures where we can live quality lives, time that is precious
to the point of being invaluable .

Environmentalism is not just a political struggle, but a commitment
towards a cultural transition, which cannot avoid bringing local
communities into the forest, restoring paths, and imagining innovative
spaces of art and cultural enjoyment, where the territory is now
abandoned, or worse, managed by wicked market dynamics and illegal
practices, tempting places for arsonists and those who have not
developed an environmental sensitivity.

 From the Alcantara valley with ardent passion and spirit MAIA -
Alcantara Independent Fire Fighting Movement


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By, For, and About Anarchists
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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH - news journal UPDATE - en) Czech, OAFed: #Ukraine: People fight back against conscription commissions (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

We publish several videos that show the true reality of the war in
Ukraine. ---- The mass media, rich people, politicians and reformist
anarchism from the AF are promoting a relatively distorted image of the
war in Ukraine, where enthusiastic workers take up weapons and willingly
head to the trenches to die for the homeland and the nation. The videos
we share show that Ukrainian men and women not only reject the war
machine, but actively defend themselves against the conscription
commissars, with the support of passers-by.
In the first video, we see a man punching a soldier and refusing to be
dragged to the front. The confused soldiers are apparently taken aback
by his reaction and do not escalate the situation further. In the next
video, the executors of state power try to knock down a person riding a
motorcycle with a car, but he gets up after falling to the ground and
runs away. The third video describes a mass fight between soldiers who
want to drag the men to the front and the outraged public.

Let's add to these incidents the events in Russia - the anarchist group
BOAK has already carried out hundreds of anti-war sabotages. People
carry out arson attacks on recruitment centers. Russia has summoned
thousands of African students, threatening them with deportation if they
disobey. What is the motivation of these students to fight for Putin?

The development of the situation speaks clearly - if the media,
politicians and reformist anarchism support more and more rounds of
armaments and involve the soldiers of other states in the conflict, the
conflict will soon grow into a global one and will no longer be fought
with conventional weapons. The nuclear ones will come next and the
result will be destruction and chaos. On the contrary, if we support
ever-increasing numbers of deserters, eventually the powerful will have
no one to send to the front. The cogs of war engage for good, and the
survivors finally deal with those who sent their relatives to their deaths.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE RUSSIA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Russia, Avtonom: Trouble Has Arrived: "Trends of Order and Chaos" Episode 161 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The issue was prepared by the Movement of Irkutsk Anarchists and

Anarchists. Here are the events that interested them last week. ----
Antifa United detentions ---- On June 5, police detained members of the
Antifa United community for "organizing an extremist community." There
is a report about this that at least one person was tortured with
electric shocks and that the defendants were forced to refuse lawyers.
---- Six people were detained in Moscow and one, Bogdan Yakimenko, in
Rostov-on-Don. During his arrest, he was beaten with a stun gun, where
he has been unknown since June 5th. There are suggestions that he is
being taken to Moscow.

Operational search activities continue, and arrests cannot be ruled out.

Previously, a case was opened against the closed group Antifa United on
VKontakte for distributing neo-Nazi symbols and attacks on Nazis.

It is quite sad symbolism that in issue 161 we cover the imprisonment of
anti-fascists, but this is a reminder that in Russia there can only be
one "anti-fascism". And today "anti-fascism" is colored red-brown. And
this is also a reminder that it's high time for everyone to leave the
garbage dumps of the KGB social networks.

Freedom for anti-fascists from Antifa United!

And while the security forces and the state mow down and imprison
dissenters, high-ranking officials remain unpunished for corruption,
which leads to deaths and injuries every day.

Tram without brakes
Terrible news came from Kemerovo. There was an accident involving two trams.

One tram's brakes failed, several people fell out of the cab at a turn,
and then it crashed into another tram. More than a hundred people were
injured, one person died. The driver's mother said that the tram's
brakes had failed.

The carrier company is owned by Pavel Maltsev, who is close to the
governor, and who has previously been tried for corruption.

What percentage of trams in provincial cities are faulty? It turned out
that at least a third of Kemerovo trams have serious problems.

Governor Ilya Serdyukov, by the way, was the head of the city of
Kemerovo during the tragedy in "Winter Cherry". It seems that he is
cursed, but it is possible that he is the curse of the city of Kemerovo
and the glorious Kemerovo region. Although he is only part of the curse.

Another appointee from the capital
Another part of the curse is the current governor of the Altai Republic.
On June 4, Andrei Turchak was appointed head of the Altai Republic,
replacing Oleg Khorokhordin in this post. Again, little has changed, and
the tradition when regional heads are appointed from Moscow is not new.
It's also not new that Putin's confidants are placed in different regions.

It seems that the only thing Turchak is famous for is the fact that he
organized the attack on journalist Oleg Kashin in 2010. This will
definitely be a good head of the region. Work with the public will be at
the same level. For example, his deputy called for killing those who
criticize the authorities.

In order to reach the highest ranks of the state, not only high-ranking
parents are needed. You also need to show yourself as a beaten scoundrel
or a beaten scoundrel. And if you are not one of them, then either you
will not get further than the municipal level, or you will have to
develop your own anti-people personality. Oh, well, there is also a
prison and a grave.

But this is not only about Russia. This is about each of the democratic
and capitalist countries. And that is why we criticize power as an
entity. Of course, we can endlessly engage in "selection" and choose the
lesser of evils. Hell yes. The whole world is already doing this,
choosing the lesser evil. But, firstly, the economic elite will not
allow the choice of a revolutionary force. Secondly, without destroying
capitalism and patriarchy, you cannot destroy the state.

How did we end up here? So what are we going to choose?

The question is open. And you and I still have a lot of work to do to
create a political and economic revolutionary force.

Well that's all for today! We remind you that in Trends in Order and
Chaos, members of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchist
assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and
other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social
networks and e-mail newsletter.

Support the work of Autonomous Action

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, AF - Beyond Resistance: A Revolutionary Manifesto for the New Millennium (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

From anarchism to Anarchist theory ---- "This pamphlet was written and
first published in 1997. It is remarkable how accurate the
comrades/equals' assessments were of the world condition that was taking
shape during that decade and the consequences it would have for the
oppressed and exploited of this world. . ---- The comrades' analysis
focused on three main axes: a) Appreciation of the reality and the
political situation that is taking shape (where we are) b) Development
of the rough features of the society we desire as anarchists (where we
want to go) and c) What methods of struggle and struggle (political and
organizational) do we choose (how will we manage to get there).
These are three points which we consider pivotal for any political space
that aims at the revolutionary change of society. We have been working
on the same points for the last few months, considering them the most
important for our intervention and the development - evolution of the
anarchist movement, especially in the current situation.

Translation-prologue: anarchist collective on the way

Read the brochure at the following link:

AF - Beyond Resistance. A revolutionary manifesto for the new millennium

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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