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maandag 17 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ARGENTINE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Argentine, Cordoba: LONG LIVE THE MISSIONARY! - SOLIDARITY WITH THE TOWN (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

From our anarchist political organizations we express all solidarity
with the people of Misiones. We live in times when the national
government of Milei and the governors of all party forces (from the PJ
to Cambiemos) are trying to go all out with their chainsaw and blender
plan, they want the popular sectors to pay for the speculative party of
those at the top. In Misiones, teachers have been leading a protest for
several weeks against the permanent adjustment to their pockets and
precarious working conditions, among other demands. After the start of
the claim, other sectors have joined, such as health workers, park
rangers, state workers, energy company workers and herbal producers. The
latter, with a great tradition of struggle, are already guaranteeing
roadblocks throughout the province. But this town took advantage of the
police forces, who promoted a barracks due to increased salaries.
Although it was well received by sectors of mobilized workers, in
essence we must not ignore that in Argentina, in some small and sparsely
populated provinces, the coexistence of the personnel of the repressive
forces - and their families - with the rest of the community is very
close, generating a special coexistence framework different from that of
large urban centers, to the point that the soldier also continues to be
"just another neighbor." This dynamic led to the police riot in Misiones
joining the intersectoral fight as one more actor in that conflict
against a "common enemy," the provincial government. In this sense, we
were able to hear statements from sectors of the missionary police in
combative tones and "solidarity" with the unions in struggle. Beyond the
astonishment that this may generate, we cannot forget what the police
institution represents in the province of Misiones, with the historical
persecution of the herbalists and the MAM (Missionary Agrarian
Movement), with its actions in the last military dictatorship, with the
brutal repressions of cooperative members, teachers and other organized
sectors of the province in recent years. They say that a button is
enough as an example, if we look at the repression of the
Pasalaqua/Rovira police against the occupation of the legislature by
teachers and health workers.
The lesson left by the struggle in the sister province of the red land
clearly shows where the solution is at the national level, in this
context of brutal adjustment. The organized popular sectors are in
charge of strengthening and deepening the fights in each area, and
transforming the accumulation of sectoral demands of the unions into
multisectoral regional and provincial struggles, as the kickoff of a
general federal fight plan against this unprecedented advance. The unity
of popular organizations in this context makes a difference. Maintaining
the street and expanding unity are the watchwords of the moment. Our
fighting position as anarchist militants is there.

Long live the Missionary!
We set the limit by fighting!!!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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