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maandag 17 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL press release: Puy-en-Velay: the "Rooted Arts" bookstore with very fascist roots (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 "I raise my hand like a Hitler salute in a video, but I'm not a Nazi"...

It's just humor, said the manager of the "les arts rooted" pharmacy in
Puy-en-Velay. Like Dieudonné, in 2012, bringing on stage a man disguised
as a deportee to give the negationist Faurisson the "prize for
infrequency" it was all about humor! Let's be clear, we do not share all
forms of "humor", especially when it reveals the true personality of its
author. ---- Maxime Sanial is number three on a list, "Fortress Europe",
very marginal in the field of contenders for European seats.

This list is carried by Pierre-Marie Bonneau, lawyer at the Toulouse
bar, and if it will only collect a few crumbs of votes from those
nostalgic for Pétain's France, the manager of this ponote bookstore can
no longer hide behind his cover of an honorable business. Behind the
lawyer, who does not hesitate to cite Hitler or Maurras during his
pleadings in defense of the Nazillon babies and other negationists, who
also does not hide his affiliation with the French fascist movements of
the interwar period, the commitment of the so-called bookseller is clear.

He can no longer hide his adherence to the worst murderous ideologies
behind a banal bookstore defending French traditions. The sad sire of
National Socialist ideology used and abused freedom of trade to hide his
nauseating inclinations. He reveals himself saying, in an article
published on Zoom 43 ("Europeans: Ultra nationalism has its ponot
candidate"): "My business is well established. And it begins to bring
together a certain number of people in the region. If I put my
professional life at the service of the political cause that we defend,
if my store allows me to establish a relay for nationalists, then that's
perfect. ". He recognizes, as anti-fascist activists have said since the
opening of his business, that his pharmacy is indeed the relay point for
all the local fascists who feel like a fish in water, gaping in
admiration at the sight of all the terrifying literature that we thought
was relegated to the cellars of supremacists.

The "Fortress Europe" list is nothing but an unbearable attack against
foreigners and their descendants, but also against women.
Some selected pieces:

"Not only do we want to stop immigration, but even more so to reverse
it," says the owner of the Ponote bookstore. This is what we call
remigration. It means organizing the return of foreign populations to
their country of origin in the most peaceful way possible.» said Maxime
Sanial. Note in this deportation project the use of the "possible" for
what he calls "remigration". It is clear that force is implied. This is
what the Nazis did in Germany, pushing Jews to leave the country
"peacefully" through racist laws, fear and dispossession, before
deporting them.
"We are not going to send them to Greenland, but bring them back to
where they should be. It's reestablishing what is normal, namely that
people live on their land, quite simply," he adds. Quite simply...
confession of intellectual laziness for those who work with books!
Peoples and cultures are not fixed and "normality" is no more fixation
on a territory than confinement behind fortresses. Moreover, all those
who wanted it, like China with its Great Wall, the Roman Empire with its
Limes and the Eastern countries with the Iron Curtain ended up collapsing.
Regarding couples, he is not afraid of wanting to control people's
private lives... like totalitarian ideologies by relying on a so-called
natural order. "Laws must be in accordance with nature. And the natural
order of things on the subject is one man with one woman." His "natural
order" is only a rehash of the old theories of a few intellectuals tired
of the 21st century who saw the couple only as a force for the
reproduction of the "race" for nationalists or as a reproduction of the
labor force. for the capitalists. In both cases, the women at home
making the future soldiers suck pure milk for one, freeing the man's
arms so that he can kill himself at the factory for the others.
Moreover, the one who perhaps already sees himself sitting in Strasbourg
speaks of "help for mothers". This is indeed a help so that these
wildlings freed from a dominant male stay at home to wipe the kids'
asses. Then "the abolition of abortion" and probably later methods of
contraception and why a return to the chastity belt?

The program of this list, which would fit on an old postage stamp,
extolling the merits of colonial France does not forget to ask for the
repeal of memorial and anti-racist laws. A fine idea for these fools of
freedom of expression when it is limited to their opinions alone;
control everything allowing them to completely let go of their racism
and anti-Semitism.

Let us reaffirm our demand for the closure of these fascist premises!
By drawing his three ideas from the nauseating waters of a past that has
not passed, number three of this ultra-nationalist list does not hide
his intentions. The few crumbs of raised arm followers that he will pick
up during the elections should not worry us, nor even be the subject of
an article. However: the pharmacy continues to expose and sell all this
literature which also influences the perpetrators of far-right terrorist
attacks and attacks against racialized people. For two years the valiant
crusader, with his conferences, has regularly moved up a notch in
provocative escalation. Despite the alerts and the rallies, why do the
state authorities, the Puy town hall and the justice system let this happen?

Finally, if this bookstore delights fans of Hitler songs and drinking
under the flags of the Waffen SS, the real danger is not their virilist
supremacist folklore. They are the small sapling that hides the vast
forest of the RN and its allies who say the same thing but in a more
nuanced, softer way and above all who risks one day being at the head of
the state.

Asking for the closure of these filthy places that are fascist premises
is not an attack on freedoms, but a way of saving them.

Libertarian Communist Union, June 4, 2024

Read also:

"Assaults by neo-Nazis in Montpellier: the extreme right will never have
a place in our popular festivals"

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