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dinsdag 18 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Le Monde Libertaire #1861: EXIT FROM THE ROTATING GLOBAL WAR (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

When the Berlin Wall disappeared in 1989, leaders and the media
proclaimed the arrival of an era of peace and generalized democracy
since the so-called "cold war" ended which justified the arms race and
nuclear escalation. Some, from the United States, even announce to us
"the end of history". But since then, the wars have not stopped. ----
The Middle East and the Near East are emblematic of this with their
hundreds of thousands of deaths. The destruction, via lies, of the
supposed Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction" and the supposed desire to
promote democratic regimes have produced only fiascos - Afghanistan,
Iraq, Syria, Libya - or dead ends - Israel and Palestine.
The dismemberment of Yugoslavia against a backdrop of civil war and
"ethnic cleansing" during the 1990s was immediately announced as proof
of Western imperialism determined to expand by all means.
Simultaneously, Soviet imperialism fragmented and the communist bloc
recomposed. Regimes like the tyranny of Putin or that of Xi Jinping are
regaining their health by inserting themselves into the globalized
capitalist market. On this basis, they practice local or periphery
imperialism, first targeting their immediate markets (Caucasus and
Ukraine for Russia, Xinjiang, Tibet and Taiwan for China) before setting
up pawns elsewhere, such as in Africa.

The bipolarity of the so-called "cold" war, in fact "hot" (Korea,
Vietnam, Angola, Mozambique, etc.), in reality already divided by a
multitude of local conflicts (Biafra, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Kashmir, Yemen, etc.), has given way to a multipolar recomposition.
Humanity is now divided by powers great and small, old and new. Each
seeks to extend its sphere of influence on a macro-regional scale.
France is thus desperately trying to maintain its dominance over
Françafrique, including under the left which tolerated if not supported
the genocide in Rwanda in 1994.

The West is the only bloc, for the moment, whose hegemony is global. At
its head is the United States, which has by far the largest army in the
world and which lives on credit (trade balance deficit) thanks to the
dollar. They rely on their loyal allies (Japan, Australia, Association
of Southeast Asian Nations, etc.) and falsely turbulent (the European
Union). Its imperialism is generalized, which also involves "peaceful"
means (culture, media, etc.). It brings into play "international law"
with variable geometry depending on whether you are in Ukraine or Palestine.

Russia and China compete with difficulty, even if they are establishing
themselves in Africa. Via the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South
Africa) and a confused reactionary discourse which finds sympathetic
ears even in certain anti-imperialist circles, these two powers are
trying to build a common front against "the West". Their positioning
delights those nostalgic for triumphant Marxism-Leninism and growing
political Islamism, which wants either to rebuild the transnational
caliphate or to infiltrate or unbalance countries where there are Muslim

In France, the left, the right and the far right shamelessly use the
consequences of Islamist fundamentalism to promote xenophobic and
identitarian measures which are all factors of conflict inside and outside.
The right is unsurprisingly consistent with its conservative and warlike
The political and trade union left, whose entire policy (Mitterrand,
Jospin, Hollande, etc.) has shown itself to be pusillanimous about the
new situation, has for a long time transformed its internationalism into
the defense of the nation, then into the promotion of the world market.
It is completely aligned with the logic of the powers. Worse, it
persists in supporting the production of weapons in the name of a fight
against unemployment.
Most of the green parties which were formed during the 1970s and 1980s
on the basis of pacifism and opposition to nuclear power (civil and
military), in addition to protecting the environment, have completely
renounced these two ideals. originating. Worse, they quickly joined the
renunciations of the left. They did so as early as the war in
Yugoslavia, when Joschka Fischer, the green minister in the government
led by the social democrat Schröder, accepted joining NATO and its
bombing of Belgrade in 1999. The green parties of others European
countries followed it without hesitation.

This support for NATO convinced Russian leaders that, far from
fulfilling the promise made by Western leaders to eliminate this
military alliance directed against them, they were announcing another
sequel: the political and economic extension of the West, via the common
market of the European Union, towards the East and Russia.
Twenty-five years later, the invasion of Ukraine by the army of the
tyrant Putin is just one of the disastrous consequences. Hypocrites,
Western leaders, their experts and the media tell us that this is the
"first war in Europe since 1945" to better make us forget what happened
in Yugoslavia, without mentioning the so-called conflicts. "low
intensity" as in Ireland or Cyprus.

War, from which arms manufacturers and dealers benefit, favored by the
very people who start it, cannot be a means of harmony between peoples.
It is supported by States and economic interests who benefit politically
or economically from it.
Multiplied, globalized, relayed by the media (books, violent games, film
scenes, press, etc.) or by relentless virilist propaganda, it puts
society under the microscope of increased militarization in both facts
and minds. In France, it takes several forms: expeditions to the Sahel,
establishment of the SNU, promotion of uniforms at school,
legitimization of uniforms and arms dealers on television sets,
multiplication of means of military-civilian control , renunciation of a
diplomacy seeking peace.
It is up to the libertarian movement to fully report these facts and
denounce all those who, from the extreme right to ecologists via the
left, maintain or support the war without finding a solution to the
social question which generates and maintains it. .

Motion adopted during the 82nd congress of the Anarchist Federation,
meeting in Merlieux (02) on May 18, 19 and 20, 2024

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