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dinsdag 18 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE MONTPELLIER - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Unitary press release: Attacks by neo-Nazis in Montpellier: the extreme right will never have its place in our popular festivals (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


This Saturday evening, June 1, during the fanfare festival, a
30-year-old popular festival in Montpellier, around ten individuals from
the Bloc Montpelliérain, a small local neo-Nazi group, masked and
hooded, walked the streets of the Beaux-Arts districts and Boutonnet,
targeting people to be violent because of their origins, their religious
faiths, their sexual orientations or their political commitments. ----
This fascist militia once again gave free rein to its hatred:
altercation with supposedly left-wing or racialized festival-goers,
violent attack behind the back of a trade unionist, throwing projectiles
at a stand run by veiled women, broken phone of a passerby who was
filming. Earlier in the day, a transgender person and trade unionist was
threatened, attacked and filmed by the same group at Parc Meric.

After imposing their terror for several tens of minutes, they fled the
scene without being arrested or controlled.

These attacks follow numerous other acts of violence and intimidation,
the list of which has grown over the last year with complete impunity,
encouraged by the inaction of the government and the Islamophobic
excesses of different parties. We are and will remain fully mobilized to
send these stale ideologies and those who attempt to propagate and
impose an ancient and disastrous order of terror to the dustbin of history.

We denounce the violent, racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic
actions of the far-right, whether they are expressed behind a
three-piece suit in the National Assembly or in the form of punitive
expeditions of strong arms in our streets . This is not the first action
of the Montpellier Bloc: they appear on the internet attacking isolated
individuals on several occasions and threatened journalists at a
Farmers' demonstration at the beginning of the year.

We bring all our solidarity to the people attacked yesterday during a
popular festival which brings together the inhabitants of Montpellier
around music and humanist values and sharing.

We wonder about the ease with which these dangerous individuals passed
the controls to enter and, above all, escape from the event. We will be
particularly vigilant about the follow-up that the public prosecutor
will give to the complaints that have been and will be filed.

No fascists in our neighborhoods!

June 2, 2024

Signatories: Asteras Montpellier Athletic Club, Carmagnole, CNT 34 ESS,
People's Football, FSU 34, Ecosocialist Left 34, Young Guard
Montpellier, LDH Montpellier, LFI 34, MRAP de Montpellier, NPA
L'Anticapitaliste 34, Left Party 34, Permanent Revolution 34, SUD
education 34, Student Solidarity 34, Video Game Workers Union,
Libertarian Communist Union, Departmental Solidarity Union 34, UL CGT
Montpellier, Rusf 34, Le Poing Levé Montpellier

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