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zaterdag 15 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #340 - Big Brother 340: Repression for the Olympics, license to kill, Israeli camera software and other chronicles of control and repression (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The noose is gradually tightening against all those who risk making a
mark in the flashy decor. We already knew about the galley slaves
expelled from squats or fired from social hotels to free them from the
capital as the Olympics approached; we already knew about the special
Olympic deployment of algorithmic video surveillance (developed by the
start-ups Wintics, ChapVision and Videtics) intended to "identify
abnormal situations" in the street, or even the creation of passes in
attestation and QR code mode for those living near the sites and
ceremonies. And now the government is beginning to modestly reveal the
"preventive security measures" that it intends to implement against its
various internal enemies.

The first round of announcements in this direction began on Tuesday
March 5 in front of the Senate Law Committee, which received a group of
officials with golden tassels and braids who came to accompany the
Minister of the Interior: the director of the DGSI, the prefects of
Paris and the Île-de-France region, or even the directors general of the
police and gendarmerie. There, in addition to events such as the torch's
journey through 400 cities over 68 days or the opening ceremony on the
Seine on July 26, considered more broadly within a period of potential
tensions which will extend from July 8 May (arrival of the flame by boat
to Marseille from Greece) to September 8 (end of the Paralympic Games),
a whole series of "threats" were thus targeted by the authorities.

Depending on the services concerned, these typically range from the
"Islamist-inspired terrorist threat" to the "protest threat". The
latter, judged "the most probable", is in turn divided between "radical
environmentalists" (like Sainte-Soline, explicitly cited),
"ultra-left/ultra-right protests", but also in "economic and social"
threat or linked to "local particularities" - Corsica and farmers were
cited during this hearing. But where things took on real importance was
when the Minister of the Interior had the police measures already in
progress displayed on the giant screen of the Senate.

First, there is what they call screening. This concerns all individuals
who will be able to access the areas of the Olympic Games from near or
far (security agents, torch bearers, nearby residents, organization
volunteers, employees in catering or logistics, tourists renting on
Airbnb , taxi and bus drivers): a million investigations must be carried
out for this purpose, of which 89,000 have already been carried out by
the National Service of Administrative Security Investigations (SNEAS),
leading to the exclusion of 280 people, including 6 on S files and 25
under OQTF. Concretely, the name of each person is entered into the
Accred system (automation of centralized consultation of information and
data), which queries eleven files in total, including the famous TAJ
file (processing of criminal records), before a small official issues or
not a notice of incompatibility.

Then, there is the centralization of any "report" received within an ad
hoc cell, bringing together the different anti-terrorism services (from
the DGSI to territorial intelligence and those of the gendarmerie or the
police SAT). Parisian judicial system). But above all, there are the
so-called preventive measures, called in bureaucratic newspeak "specific
anticipation, monitoring and obstruction system". That is, in concrete
terms, administrative searches and house arrests scheduled before and
during the Olympic Games.

These prefectural measures are a direct result of the latest
anti-terrorism laws which introduced into common law new administrative
possibilities, until now reserved solely for the declaration of a state
of emergency. While the latter was declared in November 2015 following
the attacks at the Bataclan and on café terraces, then extended six
times in a row until the fall of 2017, allowing house arrests, closure
of places, ban on demonstrations and searches administrative day and
night, it is the SILT law of October 30, 2017 which made it possible to
integrate these provisions into ordinary law. Oh! of course, in its
immense wisdom, the government had foreseen that the expansion of its
extra-judicial prerogatives would only be provisional, with a limit set
at three years by this law "strengthening internal security and the
fight against terrorism" ( SILT), i.e. as of December 31, 2020. Except
that everyone is well aware of the usual carrot of so-called exceptional
powers which quickly become the most banal, and this is how not only was
the SILT extended by an additional seven months, but it was also
definitively made permanent by a new law dated of July 30, 2021, known
as "relating to the prevention of acts of terrorism and intelligence" -
see on this subject, numerous "Big Brother" sections.

It is therefore within this very recent anti-terrorism legislative
framework that the police measures conferred on the administrative
authorities (i.e. the prefect) will be deployed during the Olympic
Games. If we are to believe the visual from the Ministry of the Interior
projected on March 5 in the Senate, on the one hand "home visits" and on
the other hand MICAS ("individual measures of administrative control and
surveillance") are scheduled. . These administrative measures have
passed from emergency law to ordinary law, within the Internal Security

Home visits

They are administrative with seizure of any object or data - the
equivalent of searches carried out in a judicial context -, can be
carried out in any place (private, public or in another whose existence
is discovered during the "visit" ) by order of a judge of freedoms and
detention (JLD) and after advice from the anti-terrorism public
prosecutor, all at the simple request of the Prefect. Its legal hours
are 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., but can also extend to the night when the cops
highlight "the urgency or the necessities of the operation". These
administrative searches are based on the famous white notes of the
intelligence services, responsible for describing behaviors and beliefs,
according to very wide acceptance.

MICAS - individual administrative control and surveillance measures

They are based on the same elements and justifications as "home visits"
- i.e. behavior and links with other people based on suspicious white
notes - and for their part include numerous measures, several of which
can be combined. They come directly from the Minister of the Interior,
after having informed the anti-terrorism public prosecutor and the
territorially competent prosecutor, and their violation amounts to up to
3 years in prison. Here is their non-exhaustive list: house arrest in a
given area (municipality or department), check-in at the comico which
ranges from several times a week to once a day, declaration and
justification of one's place of residence as well as any change of the
latter, placement under mobile electronic surveillance (i.e. under
electronic bracelet) with a departmental or national geographical
perimeter, ban on appearing in a specific place (this happened for the
Lille clearance sale or an international summit), obligation to report
any travel outside the municipality of one's residence, prohibition on
entering into direct or indirect contact with certain people (up to more
than ten). All this for a fixed period which can go up to a maximum of 3
months, renewable up to a year in total.

To conclude

It should be noted that the Ministry of the Interior has also provided
additional details since its March 5 announcements before the Senate Law
Committee. It was first in the JDD of Sunday, March 10, that G. Darmanin
was keen to provide some figures during an interview: 20,000 people are
currently being followed by intelligence, "5,000 can take action in one
way or another", including "around 800, who are the first target in the
run-up to the Games" and are subject to daily physical monitoring.

Then, it was during a visit to the Beynes military camp (Yvelines) on
Monday March 18, where the "security bubble" planned to protect the
Olympic flame on its route was tested, as well as the effectiveness of
the Skywall rifle. to chase away drones, that the Minister of the
Interior has once again returned to the famous risks linked to the
Olympic Games. According to the press (Huffington Post, 18/3), among the
four threats targeted by his henchmen, he for example warned against a
"protest threat which does not aim to kill people or injure them, but to
cause claims. And there it is radical ecology, among other protest
movements, which obviously is the first threat. They have already made a
number of press releases or messages on social networks to say that they
will try to put out the flame. We even see tutorials on the Internet to
see how to turn it off.»

Source: Sansnom.noblogs.org
It is an essential document, at the heart of all the legal and political
battles over fatal police shootings. It has existed since 2021, it had
never been published - and it took more than three months of legal
standoff with the Ministry of the Interior for the site flagrant-déni.fr
(mediapart club site) to 'gets. The instruction of May 26, 2021 (still
in force) of the national police "relating to the individual or service
weapon" is finally a public document - at least in part, since the text
provided by the Ministry of the Interior is partially censored. This
text is in fact a simple directive addressed to all heads of police
departments and passed on to all police officers in the territory, which
serves as an internal manual on the conditions of use of the weapon. Its
interpretation has since been the subject of great confusion with
dramatic effects, since it has led to a sharp increase in the number of
deaths by the police.

Darmanin refuses to take into account developments in the law. In fact,
since 2018, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has required that
a firearm be fired only in response to an "immediate" danger - and
specifies how this "immediate" danger must be carried out. 'interpret.
For example, for the ECHR, if a car is fleeing away from the police,
without putting them in danger, the shooting of the police officer is
illegal. This principle was also taken up by the Court of Cassation in
2021. However, the police instruction is limited to recalling the
principles of "absolute necessity and proportionality" in one sentence,
without any additional details. It says absolutely nothing about
"immediate" danger or the prohibition of shooting at a fleeing car in
the absence of danger. She then copies the various legal texts which
govern the use of weapons. The inaccuracies of this internal police
instruction make it dangerous!

Source: flagrant-deni.fr

Brest was one of the last large French cities without surveillance
cameras. At the request of the prefect, the PS town hall decided to copy
other metropolises, in turn installing these repressive devices. The
mayor of the Breton city has even gone to great lengths, since his
battalion of 15 cameras is equipped with Israeli "state-of-the-art
software", at a total cost of 900,000 euros. These are spherical cameras
that capture 360° images.
This system is published by the Israeli company Briefcam, owned by the
Canon group.
It allows you to view hours of images in a few minutes, and to count the
number of people, vehicles or animals present in a video. It is also
equipped with a facial recognition system, the use of which was illegal
until recently. Briefcam has "filters", which officers can use to
identify vehicles, "people of similar appearance", and to identify in a
few seconds the clothing, gender or "behavior" of the people filmed. The
authorities have installed one of these cameras in the heart of an
activist district of the city, that of Place Guérin. With this camera,
the town hall and the prefecture are trying to subdue a disturbing
neighborhood: last July, the police intervened massively in this square
to evict a place called L'Avenir. It was "a common and non-market space,
which is built by the inhabitants, for the inhabitants", born from the
struggles of associations and individuals who invested and renovated
this space located in the city center of Brest since 2010. Threatened by
real estate projects, l'Avenir has resisted the authorities for years to
provide a place of solidarity and meetings. Constructions were carried
out under self-management, in 2018 and 2019, the place was a link
between movements and people from diverse backgrounds. But for the
regime in place, all places that escape the clutches of profit and power
are doomed to disappearance. Finally, these cameras are presented as
being impossible to vandalize. They are installed at the top of metal
masts 6 meters from the ground and equipped with a device supposed to
protect them. But "impossible" is not Breton! "The camera which had been
in place since March 11 on Place Guérin was covered with paint on the
night of March 23," explains Ouest-France. Two of the six cameras
scanning the Place were rendered inoperable. "Police officers came to
see the damage and take photos. It remains to be seen how the authors
went about reaching the camera, perched six meters high..." the
newspaper asks. All hope is not lost.

Sources: l'herminerouge.fr and contre-attack.net

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