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zaterdag 15 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL press release: Netanyahu on LCI: France hands the microphone to a genocide perpetrator (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We think we're dreaming, they dare everything. As the bloody crushing of

Palestine continues, the Israeli Prime Minister was invited to defend
his policy in prime time, on a Bouygues Group channel. ---- Thursday May
30, the channels TF1 and LCI, both owned by the Bouygues group, devoted
thirty minutes of their 8 p.m. news to an "exclusive interview" with
Benyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel against whom the Criminal
Court international is considering issuing an arrest warrant for war
crimes and crimes against humanity.

This invitation is an absolute disgrace.

Darius Rochebin, the journalist who conducted the interview, repeated
the Israeli rhetoric as is, calling the bombing of a refugee camp on May
26, which killed more than 45 people and more than 200 injured. This is
not an error. The Israeli army does not make mistakes. She is committing

But what did Netanyahu say for thirty minutes? He spoke directly to the
French, in their language, adapting his rhetoric to the French context.
He talks about Samuel Paty, Islamism, putting Hamas (religious
nationalist movement but corresponding to anti-colonial resistance) and
Daesh (totalitarian jihadist movement of a colonial character) on the
same level.

The theory of the "clash of civilizations" was served to us on a TV set
directly by a war criminal. This is unprecedented, the Prime Minister of
a terrorist state speaking directly to the people of another country to
assure them that: "Our victory is your victory. It is the victory of
Judeo-Christian civilizations, against barbarism, it is the victory of

When Netanyahu conflates anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, when he
enlists, despite themselves, the Jews of the whole world in his
murderous crusade, when he enjoins them to support the State and the
policies of Israel, he takes them hostage and puts them in danger.

We are not fooled and see the double standards demonstrated by the
political and media elites. This other criminal, Putin, could never have
been invited to prime time on our national media.

During this time, the activists were repressed by the police and the
courts. Demonstrations are systematically gassed. MP Sébastien Delogu is
excluded from the National Assembly for two weeks for brandishing the
Palestinian flag.

There is an imperialist continuum in Macronist policy which goes from
the colonial repression of Kanaky to support for Israel, including
racist discourses on immigration and Islam.

Faced with this absolute scandal, boycott of the TF1 and LCI channels,
support for the Palestinians' fight against genocide and against
colonialism. Let us join the rallies organized throughout France to
demand an immediate, permanent and unconditional ceasefire.

Ile-de-France gathering this evening and Saturday June 1 at 2 p.m. in
Paris, Place de la République.

Libertarian Communist Union, May 31, 2024.

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