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zaterdag 15 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - (en) France, UCL - Red and Black Summer Days - Program for the 2024 edition (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


From August 11 to 18, 2024, take part in a week of exchanges, debates,
training but also relaxation. ---- The setting is magnificent: it is the
hamlet of Bécours, in Aveyron. ---- The program is scalable. It may
change according to proposals from UCL commissions, working groups and
local groups. ---- Schedule of the week ---- You can arrive as early as
Sunday August 11 and leave no later than Sunday August 18. For those who
can, we recommend arriving on Sunday before 5 p.m., to be able to attend
the opening AGM during which self-management takes place, and where we
get to know each other.

We also recommend leaving on Sunday the 18th from noon, in order to be
able to participate in the review AGM on Saturday evening, and help us
dismantle the camp on Sunday morning.

 From Monday to Saturday, each day looks more or less like this:

8 a.m.-10 a.m.: breakfast and/or sport
10 a.m.-12 p.m.: workshops of your choice
12 p.m.-2 p.m.: lunch
12 p.m.-1 p.m.: opening of the Alternative Libertaire and La Plume Noire
2 p.m.-4 p.m.: workshops of your choice
4:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m.: Breaks, single-sex general meetings, time to regroup
6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.: daily general meeting
7 p.m.-9 p.m.: dinner
9 p.m.-midnight: evening
General assemblies allow us to discuss life on site, make collective
decisions, in short, experience self-management as we would like it to
apply everywhere. In order to be efficient, points must be deposited in

Provisional program
We are not yet able to give the precise day-by-day program of the summer
days. The detailed program will be updated as the organization
progresses, on this page.

The workshops and plenaries planned for the moment are:

Presentation of the organization and Internal Relations of UCL
Why and how to get started in trade unionism? (with the work committee)
Summary of the Solidaires congress (with the work commission)
Unification of trade unionism (with the labor commission)
Class struggle in peasant environments (with the A4 association and the
peasant confederation)
Ecofascism with Antoine Dubiau, geographer, author of Ecofascism
The basics of ecology (with the ecology commission)
The history of internationalism (with the internationalist commission)
Anti-fascism and international class struggle (with members of the
European network and the German organization Die Platform)
The basics of anti-fascism (with the anti-fascism commission)
Reading Alternative Libertaire is great, writing in it is great too!
(with the newspaper commission)
Get involved as a libertarian communist in feminist circles? (with the
antipatriarchy commission)
Domestic work and social reproduction (with the anti-patriarchy commission)
Feminist struggles in trade unionism: emblematic struggles and demands
(with the anti-patriarchy commission)
Assessment of March 8 (with the anti-patriarchy commission)
The unionization of precarious workers through local unions and local
industrial unions (with the training commission)
Acting at UCL (with the training commission)
Presentation of the book "First shocks"
Speaking in public (with the antipatriarchy commission)
Exchange between commissions
Acting in rural areas: exchanges of practices between local groups
What communication strategies? (with the graphics commission)
Preparing for the social start
New reform of unemployment insurance: what involvement of workers?
Situation and prospects in Kanaky New Caledonia (with Daniel Guerrier)
Assessment of local groups
Sunday August 11
Gradual arrival of participants, assembly of tents, various installations.
6 p.m.: Opening AGM, details on how the Summer Days work, small
activities to break the ice
Monday August 12

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: workshops

2 p.m.-4 p.m.: workshops
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.: Daily general assembly

Tuesday August 13

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: workshops

2 p.m.-4 p.m.: workshops

Wednesday August 14

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: workshops

2 p.m.-4 p.m.: workshops
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.: Daily general assembly

Thursday August 15

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: workshops

2 p.m.-4 p.m.: workshops
6 p.m. - 7 p.m.: daily AGM

Friday August 16

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: workshops

2 p.m.-4 p.m.: workshops
6 p.m. - 7 p.m.: daily AGM

Saturday August 17

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: workshops

2 p.m.-4 p.m.: workshops
6 p.m. - 7 p.m.: Daily AGM, review of summer days, collect your
impressions of the week

Sunday August 18
Morning: collective tidying up of the site

Afternoon: departures

Return to registration details.

Sign up! - Red and Black Summer Days 2024

 From August 11 to 18, 2024, take part in a week of exchanges, debates,
training but also relaxation... with health precautions. Registrations
open from June 1st.

It is an opportunity, for the libertarian communist movement, to meet in
a different setting, to put names to faces, to transmit experiences, to
deepen knowledge and to share moments of conviviality.

The setting is magnificent: it is the hamlet of Bécours, in Aveyron.

The full program can be viewed here.
It will be subject to change according to proposals from UCL
commissions, working groups and local groups. It can also be adapted on
site according to wishes and circumstances.

UCL activists;
subscribers to the monthly Friends of Libertarian Alternative;
subscribers to the monthly Alternative Libertaire;
and of course spouses and children.

Have read the short Red and Black Summer Days Self-Management Charter
Payment will be made on site. The price is free with a minimum price of
EUR11. Indicative prices are there to guide you.

Individual costs for one person per day are estimated at EUR15/night:
EUR6 for a tent space, and EUR9 for meals.

The amount of collective costs amounts to approximately EUR8/night, and
includes the salary of the children's entertainers, the rental of the
barn and the place, other collective expenses... That is to say a total
cost per person of EUR23/night for individual and collective costs.

At the time of the camp, we will have a more precise vision of the
budget at the start of the summer days, and we will be able to transmit
them in order to enlighten the comrades in their estimation of their
contribution to the costs.

The precarious rate, EUR11 per night. EUR7 per night for children over 4
years old.
The normal rate, EUR22 per night. 13EUR per night for children over 4
years old.
The solidarity rate, EUR33 per night.
You can choose a price per night between the indicative rates.

During the Summer Days, we form teams to prepare meals, provide
services, do the dishes, take care of the maintenance of the premises,
etc. In short, we practice self-management on a small scale!

The program is rich so that there is something for everyone, but the
summer week is also a time to relax, to walk, swim, play sports or just
do nothing.

Throughout the week, a professional animator will take care of the
children's entertainment at the center. The children will be free to
choose the activities that interest them, the facilitators will be
instructed to build the stay with the young people.

Accommodation is primarily in a tent (yours) but a dormitory (note
enclosed space) is available for people with special needs. It is also
possible to sleep elsewhere than on the site, but it is less practical
and less user-friendly.

Registrations are open from June 1, 2024, and until July 15:


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