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dinsdag 18 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Platform action report from May 1st, 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 May 1st is now a month ago. All over Germany, we wage earners took to

the streets to stand up for our interests. In many cities, there was
both class-fighting participation in the DGB demonstrations and our own
revolutionary mobilizations.[...]---- We as an organization also
participated in or co-organized mobilizations nationwide. For the first
time this year, there was also a joint call for May 1st with our
comrades from Perspective Self-Management (@perspektive_sv). We have
thus taken a further step in strengthening our own organization and our
cooperation with allied organizations.
On our website you will find short reports from the individual cities
(link in the profile).
We hope that we will be represented in many more cities in the coming
year. With this in mind, we would also like to call on you to join us if
you want to fight with us for the building of counter-power and the
social revolution.
Just send us an email or a message to the nearest local group of the

Long live May 1st!

Long live organized anarchism!

Forward as a federation!

the platform - anarcho-communist organization

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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