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vrijdag 12 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal - UPDATE. - (en) Brazil, UNIPA, Causa do Povo #82 - Javier Milei's government: the crisis of Peronism and the advance of the Argentine far right (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

In the November 2023 bourgeois elections in Argentina, the ultraliberal,
also called ANCAP, Javier Milei, whose party is La Libertad Avanza,
defeated the government candidate, from the Peronist Frente Renovador
party, Sergio Massa, by 55.7% of the votes against 44 .3%. In an
electoral election that has the participation of around 76% of voters.
---- Milei's victory, in addition to being another example of the growth
of the international extreme right, also means the first victory of an
ANCAP politician. But to understand the current political context it is
necessary to consider the crisis of Peronism and the profound social
crisis that is massacring the people.

The crisis of Peronism

Peronism is the political ideology derived from Colonel Juan Perón
(1895-1974) who presided over Argentina on three occasions, between 1946
and 1974, for the Justicialist Party and stood out as a charismatic
politician and demagogue, gaining much popular support.

After the dictatorial regime (1976-1983), the Justicialista Party
returned to power with the electoral victory of Carlos Menem, who
governed for two terms, between 1989 and 1999, and implemented
neoliberal policies, which threw the country into a deep social crisis.

In 2001, during the presidency of Fernando de la Rúa, from União Cívica
Radical, the social crisis worsened and the Argentine people took to the
streets in a mass insurrectionary movement, known as Argentinazo,
forcing the president's resignation.

 From 2003 onwards, Peronism was renewed with the rise of Néstor and
Cristina Kirchner, who governed the country until 2015. Cristina
Kirchner returned to power as Alberto Fernández's deputy in 2019.
However, the failure of economic policies and the social crisis marked
the defeat of the Peronists to Javier Milei.

The far right ANCAP and social resistance

Taking advantage of the social crisis, around 60% of Argentines live in
poverty, and politically, the Argentine extreme right adopts an
anti-system discourse in Milei's propaganda. ANCAPs conceptions of the
supremacy of economic market interests over all spheres of social life
became a narrative that attracted support from the majority of voters.

However, resistance from the Argentine working class to Milei's
government began in the first days of his mandate. The people took to
the streets in response to his proposals for a free market and
restrictions on freedom of expression.

On January 31st of that year, a General Strike was launched against
Milei's package of measures. On March 18, when the government completed
100 days, there were new protests against the poverty and hunger that
plagued the country.

The organization of new protests that could culminate in an
insurrectionary general strike, as occurred during Argentinazo, is the
people's necessary response to the social crisis and the advance of the
extreme right.

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