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zaterdag 26 juli 2014

(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - Alternating Current #242, Summer 2014 - SUMMARY + EDITORIAL (fr, pt)

SUMMARY ---- PAGE 3 EDITORIAL ---- CLASS STRUGGLE ---- PAGE 4 of Railway Strike ---- PAGE 
6 The summer will be hot in the Hostos ---- RESISTANCE TO AGRO-INDUSTRY ---- PAGE 8 
Response to the 1000 Farm cows and complement ---- RESISTANCE TO MAJOR PROJECTS USELESS 
---- PAGE 9 Notre-Dame-des-Landes ---- INTERNATIONAL ---- PAGE 13 The transatlantic trade 
agreement ---- PAGE 14 News ---- PAGE 15 THE ECONOMY IN BRIEF ---- PAGE 16 PROGRAMME OF 
Nothing is ever ---- COUNTER-REFORM ---- PAGE 24 Territorial Reform ---- PAGES 27 Reform 
of asylum ---- PAGES 30 Penal Reform ---- EDITORIAL ---- THE FIGHT WILL END WELL BY PAY! 
---- Well relayed by the state capital continues to attack and destroy what remains of 
public services where the customer has replaced the user, the unemployment compensation 
under the general scheme plans, temporary, intermittent entertainment , ... Each time, EU 
legislation serves as a justification concrete unsurpassable. Oppose these "reforms" is to 
be cataloged conservatives, reactionaries off ... by collaborators parties and unions well 
relayed by all major media. However, in France, opposition to restructuring continues and 

Railway for 15 days led a renewed strike where the practice of sovereign general 
assemblies of strikers progresses. Recall that split in two since 1997 (SNCF and R?seau 
Ferr? de France) SNCF should be divided into three separate companies. In this regard, 
note the institutional practice of environmentalists and the Left Front. The former 
proposed and vote in the first instance (1) "the inseparable and integral character" of 3 
new facilities, which has the same effect as "pissing in a violin!" More treacherous 
amendment was voted in first instance too, the Left Front, which provides that employees 
of three new entities SNCF are a single employer. The function of this amendment was 
clearly trying to break the strike renewable. Moreover, the general secretary of the CGT, 
Thierry Lepaon, was quick to step into the breach on RTL to evoke a "turning point" of the 
strike after "advanced" ... obtained in the National Assembly. As the strikers we said, it 
was smoking out especially as these politicians and bureaucrats did not know that the 
provision of a single employer is in complete contradiction with the European legislation 
which requires a total separation between the Epic. You can read the article in this issue 
on the railway strike ... "a success despite the non-victory." But the strike was lynched 
as ever by the mainstream media. Of course, we were treated like every time the user (and 
not the client ... well, well!) Taken hostage argument hyped when the "innocent bac philo 
candidate" scandalous future victim the strike. Note that the fight continued and no 
candidate has had to suffer the chagrin of media on the lookout who made the heels before 
the examination centers supposedly the most exposed. But there were a novelty: the media 
did not hesitate to take the chorus of the strike misunderstood by everyone, including 
"the strikers themselves!"
92 of Postal Workers (more than 150 days on strike!) Of 91 (Essonne), of Paris, Corsica, 
... Harsh strikes hard against the application in the field of restructuring with job 
cuts, increased workload, breaking community working agents ... that took as its starting 
point the denial of breach of contract precarious that the Post is thrown after having 
served as an employee / e / s and source grants related to their status as assisted 
contracts. These struggles, often local or departmental were and still are to this day 
highly dynamic, open to all other struggles (railway, intermittent, insecure, etc..). 
These strikers have taken initiatives convergence of struggles, inter coordinations. They 
suffer severe repression of their business (disciplinary procedures, layoffs, layoffs, 
...) for a typical union work has for decades (speaking on the workplace, call for 
solidarity ...). Added to this is the criminalization of the judicial field with cautioned 
to view the territorial security.
For at least the whole summer, the entertainment, interim and more generally 
precarious-unemployed will animate by their presence and / or strike venues. Since 2003, 
these intermittent struggles have evolved beyond the strict confines of a corporation. I 
must say that UNEDIC of March 22, 2014 agreement, ratified by the State, affecting all 
unemployed under the general scheme, temporary, employees victims of unjustified 
dismissal, the entertainment and the older unemployed. Crossing different rules that the 
new regulations will push everyone to agree to work in more precarious, accepting all the 
odd jobs that arise. In fact, we are witnessing in France in the European process of 
dismantling unemployment insurance already applied in Germany, Greece, Spain; Italy ... 
This agreement UNEDIC "is part of the logic of the alignment of the annexes to the general 
scheme itself severely affected. Its objective is to lower spending for unemployment 
insurance, through the application of new compensation rules, they aimed to make money on 
the backs of those who are already paying "crisis": the unemployed. "(2)
The movement in hospitals against political restriction builds and expands. You can, in 
this issue, read an article on this subject: "The summer will be hot in the Hostos! "Of 
course, there are many other defensive struggles but also sometimes offensive and 
victorious! Note 5 days of strike workers of Paris P?le emploi Laumi?re (from June 16 to 
20) for the creation of jobs. Management has yielded paying permanent positions 4 and 1 in 
CSD. Note that took occupation of the Branch employment center and support group of 
unemployed, precarious, agent-es P?le Emploi, intermittent-es and temporary. An example 
which shows that if we want to win, you must associate coordinate with others having the 
same class enemy! Our political role is to provide our concrete solidarity with these 
movements when we did not directly involved in, for example, by circulating the word of 
people struggling (radio, websites, leaflets, ....) because the information remains the 
1st battle to win. We can not conclude this introduction without mentioning the 
anti-airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes, which can now gain control. Within it, we have with 
others, always strongly affirmed visibility and an anti-capitalist and libertarian speech 
addressing strategic issues. All this will be discussed at our meetings were to be held in 
Ari?ge 25 July to 5 August.
OCL Reims-June 29

(1) This introduction is written before the vote on the bill in the Senate scheduled from 
9 to 11 July

(2) For more information: www.cip-idf.org

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