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zaterdag 25 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, CNT-AIT: Anarchosyndicalisme #186 - Abolish the State (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Perhaps as a result of the situation in the world today, questions about
the State, its origin, its role... are once again arousing interest.
Conferences, articles in magazines or in major dailies, are multiplying.
For us, anarchists, the question is settled: the State is the enemy of
humankind. ---- For hundreds of centuries, men lived "without faith,
without law, without king" (this is how the "conquistadors of the new
world" described the primitive tribes they discovered) in relative
harmony with the natural environment; the size of the populations was
adapted to the resources offered by nature (if primitive societies are
responsible for the disappearance of some animal species, over all these
immense periods of time they have not caused major damage to ecosystems).

Then, a few dozen centuries ago, the State appeared, human societies
that had not previously been hierarchical were divided between dominants
and dominated, between performers and leaders. No one knows why humans
chose at one point in time to give themselves masters, but what we are
sure of is that this event was not fortuitous, because it coincided with
a number of innovations, both social and technical which have
revolutionized the life of human societies.

Historians have widely described and commented on these innovations, but
they have paid little attention to the fact that the birth of states had
to do with the appearance of wealth inequalities between humans. Not
only have societies been divided into the dominant and the dominated,
but simultaneously between rich and poor, between owners of material
wealth and owners only of their labor force. The simultaneity of these
two events, the appearance of the State and the appearance of
inequality, is not in itself surprising: it is impossible to imagine a
society divided between rich and poor without the existence of an
institution responsible for protecting the rich from the legitimate
appetites of the poor. Note that if a society divided into classes is
impossible without a State, the opposite is also true: a society
organized around a State is necessarily divided into antagonistic classes.

History has given us enough examples of this; each time a State has
tried to abolish social classes, for example by nationalizing all
wealth, we have witnessed, from personnel linked to the State, the
recreation of a dominant class reigning unchallenged over the rest of
the society. This is because the primary function of the State is to
defend its interests, therefore those of the ruling class, to protect
the rich from the appetite of the poor.

The fact that the modern State has added social functions to its
traditional powers (the power to make laws, enforce them and punish
infractions of the law), thus giving itself the appearance of being a
benefactor of the poor, changes nothing. to his deep nature. By
redistributing to the poor classes part of the wealth unduly captured by
the rich classes, the State does not modify the social hierarchy in any
way: only the method changes, the goal remains the same.

In the life of human societies, the appearance of the State and
inequalities therefore marked the beginning of class war and the war
between States. To fulfill its function of protecting the class of
exploiters against threats both internal (social revolutions) and
external (ambitions of competing states), the State relies first of all
on force; It is on its strength, its power that its credibility depends.
However, the strength of a State is primarily a function of the size of
the population it controls and this is why it will seek by all means to
increase its population.

We know that population growth decreases with the improvement of living
conditions, the development of education and the decline in the
influence of religions; States will therefore implement pronatalist
policies, criminalize abortion and contraceptive methods and, above all,
through religion, exalt the family and motherhood.

These policies, throughout history have fully demonstrated their
effectiveness, because while during the first eras of humanity, the
world population had increased only very slowly, since the creation of
states we have been witnessing a growth continues and has seen
tremendous acceleration over the past two centuries. From one billion in
1800, today, more than eight billion people inhabit our earth, the vast
majority of whom have been transformed into consumers since the
catastrophic invention of capitalism.

To satisfy the unstoppable appetite for goods of these crowds, all means
of production have been excessively industrialized and this
industrialization has taken place and is taking place at the expense of
nature and the biosphere. Today, the great natural balances which are
the basis of life on our planet threaten to be disrupted and political
leaders are holding forums and conferences, drawing up plans and
promulgating laws which in reality only aim to sustain the current system.

So-called green energy, electric cars and other gadgets described as
ecological are only the rattles that those in power, frightened by the
threats that are accumulating, wave before the eyes of the populations
to make them believe that the situation is under control, that the worst
will not happen.

In fact, all these posturings only aim to make us forget that everything
that happens is the necessary consequence of the organization of society
and that the State which presents itself as the solution is in reality
the problem. It is only by radically transforming this system, by
abolishing the State and inequalities, that we will be able to implement
solutions of radical and libertarian ecology which will allow humanity
to escape the predicted catastrophes. .

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